A Powerful Email List

If you have ever used a mass mailing email marketing campaign, you know how they promote their services.The appeal is that, in theory, the service has collected a large amount of valid email addresses that they guarantee will go to real  potential customers.For a fee, they will take your marketing message and broadcast it toContinueContinue reading “A Powerful Email List”

Internet Marketing Reports

  How to Use an Internet Marketing Report See road27figures What is an internet marketing report? It could be several things–a newsletter that comes out every so often, a monthly online or offline magazine article, or an under 30-page document. You’ve probably seen a number of these, and most likely used the information you gainedContinueContinue reading “Internet Marketing Reports”

Business To Business Email Marketing

Business to Business email marketing is an extremely efficient and effective method of increasing your sales and your customer base, but as with so many other marketing tools, if you don’t know what you’re doing it can actually cause more harm than good.  Don’t ever forget that you are marketing to other companies and notContinueContinue reading “Business To Business Email Marketing”